Spring Break in the Bahamas: Not Just For Teens

Made up of more than 3000 cays, islets, and islands, the Bahamas archipelago is home to diverse people, landscapes, and activities. With an emphasis on outdoor living, waterside fun, and warm Bahamian hospitality, it’s easy to see why the islands are such a popular Spring Break destination for teens, college kids, and families alike. If…

Treat Your VIP Clients to An Amazing Vacation

An amazing vacation consists of something for everyone. At Snaresbrook Manor, there is an activity for everyone! From water activities such as lounging by the pool, kayaking, or barbecues and adventures around the island. There are delights around every corner for you and your guests to enjoy. Snaresbrook Manor is the perfect Bahamas luxury house…

Beautiful view of the pool and ocean from Snaresbrook Manor in the Bahamas

Fun things to do in the Bahamas

When you think of the Bahamas, often the image of golden sand and crystal blue water comes to mind. While the Bahamas does have some of the most beautiful beaches and vibrant waters the world has to offer, there is a plethora of other activities and fun to be had. Here is a list of…

Vacation Rentals in 2022

It’s no secret that the pandemic was hard for vacation rental investors. Fortunately, things are looking up now. There are several factors why vacation rentals are now one of the brightest spots in real estate investing again. This has led to more people investing in this real estate niche. According to the New York Times,…